Fellowship Tea
Teas are full of sweet treats, yet the fellowship is the sweets part of any tea time events.
The Christian Communicators tea at the Cove in Asheville, North Carolina was a delightful time with a banquet of yummies, tablescapes of smiles, harmonious conversations, and brewing friendships. Charm filled the room as the ladies graciously shook hands and gave praise to the Cove staff for the experience of an afternoon tea.
These ladies came across the nation with the same desire to become ambassadors for Jesus Christ. Throughout the five day conference they steeped in programs that helped them to write their purpose statement for their speaking ministry, manage the business side as a professional speaker, and so much more. The tea was a reprieve before preparing for their filmed videos the following day.
However, fellowship brewed throughout the conference beginning with a social mix and mingle to tear filled goodbyes at the last luncheon. A community of loyalty had been built in those short days with means of ongoing connections of support, encouragement, and inspiration. Now they are discovering the overflow of a sisterhood of camaraderie that extends to the past Christian Communicators grads reaching out to these new CC grads.
It’s a fulfilling experience to see women championing one another with endorsements,direction, and promoting one another through writing and speaking opportunities. So much is accomplished when we women practice hospitality.
Sweet fellowship at a tea brings out the best in all of us. Christian Communicators serve the
best as they brag on the great things God has done and the grace of Jesus Christ.![]() |
Tea at the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove |
We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you, also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ. 1 John 1:3 NIV
Uplifting blessings,
Thank you Carolyn, for investing in our lives for Christ.
My tea kettle is on any time for you, my friend.
Serving on.
Smile on!
I raise my teacup to you as you serve on as a new CC leader who will continue to educate, validate, and launch women in their speaking ministry.
Shine on!
Uplifting blessings.
How right you are, Robin. God is still adding polish and poise to you ladies He has called to shine for Him. Smiles on!
Miss you, Sharron. Serve on!