Sharing More than Peaches
With an arm load of fresh peaches a neighbor shared her treasures with me.
The unexpected delight inspired me to make my simply easy peach cobbler. Little did I know the peach cobble was going to be shared beyond my family.
A sorrowful friend stopped by as the bubbling cobbler was pulled from the oven. She was having a real pity party and wanted me to join her. However, with a bowl of peach cobbler and over a teacup, we blow out her pity party candle with prayers and scriptures. She went home full of renewed strength, peach cobbler, and a doused candle.
We never know what God has planned when one friend shares what they have and we make something from their gift to share with another in need. That's TeaCup living in action.
Remember the meaning of TeaCup:
T = giving time to others
e = encouragement to others
a = acceptance of others
C = Christ's
u = uplifting
p = presence.
Simple Peach Cobbler
The unexpected delight inspired me to make my simply easy peach cobbler. Little did I know the peach cobble was going to be shared beyond my family.
A sorrowful friend stopped by as the bubbling cobbler was pulled from the oven. She was having a real pity party and wanted me to join her. However, with a bowl of peach cobbler and over a teacup, we blow out her pity party candle with prayers and scriptures. She went home full of renewed strength, peach cobbler, and a doused candle.
We never know what God has planned when one friend shares what they have and we make something from their gift to share with another in need. That's TeaCup living in action.
Remember the meaning of TeaCup:
T = giving time to others
e = encouragement to others
a = acceptance of others
C = Christ's
u = uplifting
p = presence.
Simple Peach Cobbler
Simple Peach Cobbler
1/2 cup butter, sliced
4 cups peaches, peeled & sliced
2 cups sugar, divided
2 teaspoon almond extract, divided
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking power
1 cup heavy cream
Place butter slices on the bottom of a 9 x 13 inch baking pan.
Toss together peaches 1 cup sugar, and 1 teaspoon almond extract
in large bowl. Spread mixture evenly over butter slices in baking pan.
In a medium size bowl combine flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon almond extract,
heavy cream. Mix until smooth. Pour batter over peaches and drag a spoon
through batter and peaches to marble.
Bake at 350 degrees for 60 minutes or until golden brown.
Serve warm or cold.
Uplifting blessings,
May the Lord bring us together again for a tasty time of fellowship once more.
Miss you.
Write on!
Shine on!
Miss you.