TeaCup Living Muses
On dark and dreary days holding on to a teaCup and sipping the brown brew, quiets my spirit and warms my soul.
In the quiet moments of holding the teaCup in my hands, I begin to pour out prayers in an informal conversation to the King of kings.
As I envision Him on His throne next to His Majestic Father, I know He is pausing with me for He leans forward to listen not only to my words but to my heart as well.
The times spent in those moments are truly filled with time, encouragement, acceptance in Christ’s uplifting presence.
Though my surroundings may be dark and dreary, I’m renewed from going to the Light that sits on the throne of my life.
Why do I wait for dark and dreary days for such intimate moments that are available every day?
A cracked pot lets the Light of the Lord
show through if it is filled with stories
of the great and glorious things
He has done.
A cracked cup has leaked out
the love of the Lord
one drop at a time.
The saucer is there to catch
the love and keep the
believer comfortable
and unscalded.
A teaCup is a container to hold-
a great treasure to behold-
but if not used to strengthen and renew
then what use is it other than to collect dust?
then what use is it other than to collect dust?
The joy is in the name that reminds us of its true value…
a teaCup
meaning being in
Christ's uplifting presence
sharing the message of His amazing grace.
meaning being in
Christ's uplifting presence
sharing the message of His amazing grace.
Danie Marie
Have you seen your smiling face on the Christian Communicators blog post this week? Your picture was taken at the aternoon tea we hosted at the Cove. I miss your charm and kindheartedess.
Uplifting blessings.
How blessed I am this morning to visit your teacup spot! First as I read Vicki Moss's article with your story included and then to visit here and read your teacup musings!!
You are truly a treasure and I thank God for the wonderful opportunity to know and call you my CCC sister and friend.