Whistle Stop
The kettle seems to be screaming for my attention with loud whistles for me to stop.
House guest for three weeks, emails piled as high as a fireman's extended latter, articles to write and customized programs to create; each a ministry with focused needs. The "doing" needs to be done. It's the "being" that causes me to pour the water into the kettle and turn on the fire.
However, I love the bubbling roar and shieking bluster. Why? Because the rush means to pull the tea kettle away from the flame and pour the hot liquid over awaiting tealeaves in a porcelain tea pot then to pause in the wait while allowing steeping to change my pace.
Teatime takes me out of my routine to pause, to pray, to praise, or just be in Christ's presence. It's a time for me to pour out appreciation to the One who give me strength. Pausing and steeping at His feet brings change in me.
The "doing" will wait for me to get things done. The "being" will renew me while reminding me to live what I teach. The hot water of life and taking time to be in His presence makes for a tasty brew that addes flavor to my serve in what He's called me to do.
When God turns up the fire and my life begings to boil and I begin to be an annoying whistle, I know He's planning to lift me up to pour me out to fill up another cold soul that is before me as a house guest, an email friend, or a guest in the audience. Life can be empty if the tea kettle doesn't whistle for me to stop, steep and be in Christ's uplifting presence.
What causes you to pause when life seems like a boiling tea kettle?
The best tea kettle I have found is an electric one I picked up at CostCo.
I loved your comment:
The "being" will renew me while reminding me to live what I teach.
What a great reminder!
I'm glad you stopped by and took a peek. Thanks for encluding your picture. Now, I can invision you as I write a tip or a story or two.
Uplifting blessings...Carolyn