Tea & His Word
The first sip of the day ~
Warm, soothing and tasty,
My tea pleases me.
Comforting, reasurring and uplifting,
My devotion in God's Word
Grows me.
When I take time to brew
A cup of tea
And sit down to sip in a moment of rest,
Peace over takes me.
When I keep my daily date with the King of Kings
And sit down at His feet,
Love over takes me.
Therefore, I am blessed
With the first sip of the day from the brown brew
And the Word of love
for me and you.
Tea Tip: Use a timer when steeping a cup of tea for a perfect brew. The general guidelines for setting the timer:
Black teas brew 2-5 minutes.
Blends brew 2-4 minutes.
Green teas 1-2 minutes.
How do you know when to pull the leaves for a pleasant brew? When or where is your preferred spot to pause with a cup of tea? Just click on comments below. Hearing from you is a great excuse to fill up my cup and hear your story. Uplifting blessings.
Sharing a cup of tea is a great way to build new friendships. My teakettle is always on the back burnner waiting for a friend like you to stop by to enjoy a cookie or two.
I also love your steeping tips! Didn't know that! Love, Reggie